Run Support Team

I have officially retired from running half marathons. I only ever wanted to do one; somehow I managed to complete five. But that’s it, all over. No more half marathons. Rob has officially retired from saying he’s going to run half marathons. He’s promised to do five; somehow he’s managed to complete none. But that’s…

Four rounds to go

….suffice to say this particular Friday was the worst of all the sessions, involving the hardest of all the exercises.

Death by Kettlebell

Of all of the spectacularly self-sabotaging, irresponsible things I could have said, this would have to top the list.

Running three, Angela nil

I had finally become a runner, through nothing more than the power of thinking about running and buying some nice running tights.

Holiday Newsletter

……what started as a beautifully crafted penis ended up as a lopsided, scrawny chicken laying a single testicle egg.


So, here’s how it went down.

A May Challenge

In the space of ten minutes Rob threatened to both trip me up and push me in the river. Then he called me an old lady. Indeed.

Commitment Issues

….my goal isn’t to win anything, I just want to finish, and to not be a blithering wreck when I do finish.

A Quick Update

I must have looked like a cane toad flattened by a semi on the Bruce Highway.